Unit production is handled in the Unit Production Toolbar. This can be activated by clicking the tank symbol on the main control toolbar:
The Unit Production Toolbar is divided into 3 areas:
1) Resource summary - This shows all of the available resources for building units (men, afvs, planes, etc.)
There are 4 lines:
1) Prod Rate - This shows the number of new soldiers being trained each turn and the number of key equipment types being produced.
2) Reserved - This shows the percentage of each type being reserved for new unit creation (as opposed to reinforcement). Left clicking on the +/- buttons will increase/decrease the percentage by 1. Right clicking will increase/decrease by 10.
3) Available - This shows the number currently available for building units. They will be applied to units in the production queue at the beginning of next turn.
4) In Transit - When you cancel a unit that is in production, all men and equipment are considered ‘in transit’ for a turn. Also, when units are destroyed in combat, some soldiers will make their way to the in transit queue. Finally, disbanded units send their men and equipment to the in transit queue. They will be transferred to the available queue at the beginning of next turn.
2) Available units - This shows a summary of all the available units that can be built along with details as to their commanding unit, resources needed, earliest arrival turn, etc. Clicking on the categories above the units will toggle each type on and off. Clicking on the page up and page down arrows will page through them. Right clicking will go to the start / end of the list. Clicking on a header will sort by the data in that column.
Of special note is the Avail T (available turn) column. This column indicates the first turn that the unit will become available. Even if all the resources required to build a unit are on hand, it still will not be deployed until this turn so it is better to wait until you are close to the available turn of a unit before moving it to the production queue.
The unit name shows the HQ in parentheses after it. If the HQ is not currently on the map, it will also show an asterix. To create a unit, click on its name. The Unit Production Toolbar will temporarily close and the map will have all available deployment cities highlighted. Clicking on one of these cities will set that as the deployment city. The toolbar will reopen and the unit will be moved to the bottom of the ‘in production’ queue. Clicking anywhere else on the map will cancel the build and reopen the toolbar.
3) In Production - This shows a list of all units currently in production including their progress, arrival city, earliest build turn, etc. They are sorted in order of priority and will be filled with available resources in the order shown. The two numbers separated by the ‘/’ symbol indicate the number assigned / number needed to complete the unit. Units are filled at the beginning of each turn from available resources in the order they appear in this list. The Build T column indicates the number of remaining turns until the unit is ready to be deployed.
Units can be moved up and down through the list by clicking on the arrows in the Order column. Right clicking moves them to the beginning / end.
As with the available units, categories can be turned on and off by clicking on the category tag above the list and the page buttons will move up and down through the list. The deployment city is shown in the City column. Clicking on it will temporarily hide the toolbar and center the map on this city.
To cancel a unit, click on its name. This will move the unit back into the available queue. However, any resources assigned to the unit will be moved to the ‘in transit’ category and be unavailable for a turn.
Next up fortifications....
Anything going on? I see last entry as July?