Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Here are some recent screen shots showing the latest release in action (

This shows the editor in unit placement mode.  The last of the French units are being assembled for invasion. The number in the upper left hand corner indicates the size of the stack with a maximum of 6 units.  The tab key cycles through the stack.

The play button has been pressed and the game is starting with the French crossing the frontier into Spanish territory.  The yellow arrow indicates this unit is advancing through enemy territory which is slower and uses more resources than advancing through friendly territory.

The Pyrenees Mountains are impassable in the center.  Most of the units are heading through the passes in the north but one infantry unit is circling around to attack Barcelona from the east.  The green arrow indicates friendly territory.

The scattered Spanish forces are using rail to rush to the front indicated by the dark grey arrows. The rail symbol over the unit indicates that it is currently using rail transport.  Rail is limited and both the size of the unit and the distance it travels use up the nation's rail allotment.  Each city has a rail capacity and the nation's total rail capacity each turn is determined the sum of the cities it controls.  Note the HQ for this unit is highlighted in red and its siblings in blue.  This makes it easier to keep HQ's with their forces.  The yellow caution sign shows damaged rail under repair. This is currently unusable for rail transport.

This shows one of the 5 pages of unit data.  They are overview, combat, status, supply and transport.  The color coding allows a quick view of the status.  Green is 100% and it changes to yellow, orange, red and finally black as you drop down to 0.  The same color coding is used on the units.  The bottom left indicates overall strength while the lower right indicates supply.

This is a zoomed out view (there are 7 zoom levels) with the grid enabled.

This shows the aftermath of a battle.  The French have taken control of the hex and the retreating Spanish 6th Infantry Corps is in bad shape.  One of its brigades is shattered and several more are retreating causing the entire corps to retreat to safety.  Even one of the supporting artillery units has been overrun and severely damaged.  The combat summary is shown at the top of the combat results and you can scroll down through the pages of detail to get a blow by blow description of the events.  FOW is set to none so enemy units in a combat hex can be seen in detail.

Turn 3 and the French have cleared the mountains and begun to put a lot of pressure on the Spanish.  The river provides some protection and the Spanish are attempting to assemble a defensive line behind it but will eventually have to fall back all the way to Madrid where the final battle will inevitably take place.

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