Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Here is an update on version

Adding combat caused a lot of problems with playback. These have been fixed along with adding combat summary for each battle.

2 new strategic commands were added: defend and delay. These allow a player to plot a retreat path for a unit so that it can make an orderly withdrawal from combat before being forced to make a hasty retreat.

The difference between the two is the moral threshold that needs to be reached in order to trigger the withdrawal.

Next up is rail movement which includes a lot of infrastructure to be used for all transport types (rail, ship, amphibious, air, airborne).

Rail movement is allowed along connected paths of rail hexes that are all controlled by the units alliance and are not damaged.

The unit may embark and disembark from any rail hex (does not need to be a city). However, the level of infrastructure in that hex will directly impact the number of movement points consumed by the unit. It will be much more efficient to load and unload in a major metropolitan area than out in the middle of nowhere. All units will take an organization hit when they disembark which is again dependent on the level of infrastructure in that cell.

Each city has a rail capacity that is shared across the rail network. The nation's total rail capacity is the sum of these. As a nation loses cities, it will also lose rail capacity. Units using rail transport will consume the nation's rail capacity every time they embark, disembark and move by rail. The cost in terms of rail capacity depends on the sum of the cost of each brigade. HQ's are almost free while mechanized units are much more expensive. Once a nations capacity reaches 0, no more rail movement will be allowed that turn. However, units will still be able to disembark at this point but it will consume next turns rail capacity. This means its possible to start a turn with less than full capacity remaining or even in extreme cases negative rail capacity. In the latter case, no rail movement would be allowed that turn.

Any unit that ends its turn still in rail transport mode is vulnerable to attack by an enemy unit. If any enemy combat unit enters the hex, the rail unit will be forced to immediately disembark with a major hit to organization and a smaller hit to moral and a situational awareness level of 0. This will leave the unit very vulnerable to attack. The nations rail capacity will also be affected.

The next big development task will be HQ's.

I will be adding the following brigades to each HQ that travel with it:
1) Staff brigade - this represents all of the officers and their staff.
2) Fuel depot
3) Ammo depot
4) Supply depot
5) Reinforcements (Men)
6) Reinforcements (AFV's)

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